I mean, besides anime, there are any action cartoons for more than 12 year olds. Actually, all the good cartoons nowadays are for relative small kids: Phineas and Ferb, gravity falls, MLP, steven universe, wander over yonder, adventure time, etc
And before you say anything, adventure time is a kids show, it was it's clever writing that elevated it to its own standard.
I'm not saying that cartoon action shows are entirely extinct neither. The marvel heroes cartoons are a good example, but, I don't know if it's the same everywhere. But here, where I live, they only show them on saturday morning. And I know that saturday morning cartoons are tradition, but with channels that love to show their star shows as many times as possible (There was a time that disney XD showed pucca and fairly odd parents like 16 times a day. Not kidding, I count them) It's odd that they display this shows so limited
But the thing is, this shows are good, but weren't as popular and mainstream as the other ones I numbered:
The green lantern animated series, was regarded as awesome, but died very early on.
Young justice and young justice invasion were both great hero cartoons, but died because of the stupidest marketing strategi I ever heard >_______<
Generator rex, a fairly decent series with ok characters, nice setting and great character design. Created by the same people that created ben 10, and he dies and Ben lives on WTF?!
Hell, even the 2011 thundercats cartoon, who granted, wasn't perfect, but still deserve more love that what it got
The only series like this on top of my head that's still on is legend of korra. That, sad to say, it's not as good as it should =.=
Sorry for the long rant, but, I don't get it. Why so many series die young and in obscurity, while other still bask in fame and glory?