Man, great work! I love their expresions :D
Man, great work! I love their expresions :D
Thank you!!
Glad you like it. :)
I'm loving this pose! >¬<
Glad you like it! :D
I'm not even a fan of this show, but HOT DAMN!!!
Thanks! Glad you like it.
Nice to see you again, I used to watch you on Deviant art ^^
Glad to know ^_^
Ohhh, what's that logo on her panties?
This is just custom named Mileena's clothis with M letter
I do wonder what type of cheer they would say XD
"Give me a D-E-A-D! Give me a M-E-A-T! What does that spell? Dead Meat! You're Dead Meat! Yaay! Whooo!"
Wooow, so much details, I love it! >w<
The hardest part of cell shading for me, it's the tone, how light and dark you make certain things can really change their texture and give them a different feel
That's was kinda the main reason it took me so long to consider this, and no doubt I'll run into something like that sooner or later
But there's nothing you and I cant overcome
Someone desperately trying to prove that I can do thing and live on my own
Fanartist, furry artist, original artists and hopefully comic artists
New pics every Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
Not all pics will be uploaded here, chek my other accocunts
Joined on 10/20/12